Diocesan news, Justice & Peace

Justice & Peace Commission

You can read the Justice & Peace Commission’s May 2020 newsletter here, it includes work our parish is doing to respond to Pope Francis’ message in Laudato Si’. The March 2022 newsletter has an article from one of our parishioners about forming a Green Team to start this process.  The September 2022 newsletter has an article pp 6-9 on how our parish gained its LiveSimply award.

Join our J&P Commission: Are you passionate about social justice? Faith and action for social justice go hand in hand. Is it time for you to do more? Come and join the Leeds Justice & Peace Commission to put your faith into action. See our website for more details www.leedsjp.org.uk

The J&P July 2024 newsletter can be found here

  • Welcome to the June newsletter email update.  It’s another full edition but we’d like to highlight a few articles including a report on a recent gathering of Laudato Si animators – perhaps you’ll be inspired to take on the role yourself?
  • We’re so proud of Matty Maslen, editor of this newsletter as well as someone who has been active in the J&P Sparks project and Cafod locally, who has recently been appointed to the Trustee Board of CAFOD. Congratulations Matty!
  • We’re hopeful this edition will provide some thought provoking summer reading!
The Evolution of Love: A J&P Day of Reflection
Come and join this uplifting Day of Reflection brought to us by the Leeds J&P ‘Begin with the Heart’ team who try to carry on the spiritual and theological legacy of Fr Donal O’Leary of the Leeds Diocese.  This will be held in our church hall on Saturday 19th October, 10:30 – 4pm
More Info & registration https://tinyurl.com/leedsjpautumn2024

This short course prepared by the Vicariate for Education is an introduction to the gospel texts, their origins, and their shared and distinctive qualities. For use by individuals or parish groups, it can be found at:https://www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/education/our-faith/learning-about-our-faith/resources-2/how-to-read-the-gospels/

BRIERY ONLINE ZOOM MEDITATIONS on Thursday from 7.30pm to 8.15pm.  We open at 7.15pm for a chat and start promptly at 7.30pm.  It is a simple format of praying with the Sunday Mass Readings and sharing in small groups.  To register, please email the Briery: briery@btconnect.com

Pentecost 2021
Bishop Marcus’ Pastoral Letter for Pentecost talks about the role we all have a part to play in the routines, choices and decisions of our everyday lives and our aspirations for the future.  We have either been ignorant of, or ignored, the systematic exploitation of our planet and the unsustainable consumption of its resources.  Bishop Marcus asks us to “keep this Feast with that enduring hope that we can begin to repair the damage we have done and provide a healthy home for future generations.”

During Lent we joined a series of reflective evenings with inspiring speakers, prayer and discussion, using the film-based resource “Global Healing”.  These engaging documentaries informed and challenged us to take action to respond to Pope Francis’ call to Care for Our Common Home.  Recordings of the sessions can now be accessed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhBIwXxBhHA&feature=youtu.be

Handouts prepared by the Laudato Si’ animators with lots of helpful information, prayers and links to aid further reflection for the sessions are available below
2 Eco Conversion, from Head to Heart
3 Together, with the Holy Spirit

The Global Healing Documentaries are produced by CaFE (Catholic Faith Exploration) on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales. They are film-based events for parishes, groups and individuals. They will inform, challenge and equip us to engage with Pope Francis’ vital call to Care For Our Common Home. These events begin with a shared meal followed by film clips including well-known experts, engaging testimonies and on-location filming from around the UK. There are times for discussion & prayer to help stir deeper ecological conversion and fresh practical responses. They can be accessed here: https://www.cbcew.org.uk/home/our-work/environment/global-healing/global-healing-films/ and here: https://faithcafe.org/pages/ourcommonhome  

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Thank you Fr Michael

A Wonderful Weekend What a wonderful weekend our Parish Family enjoyed. So many people came to celebrate Mass together. On Saturday evening we gathered after Mass for the blessing prayers for the newly installed defibrator. On Sunday a Mass we welcomed Josephine and Colin with their family to give thanks to the Lord for their […]

New fruit trees

In December 2022 Frances and Keith bought two fruit trees, an apple and a Victoria plum, a bag of soil conditioner and stakes to hold the trees in position.  Mike and Keith dug out two holes in the garden (they are to the left of the presbytery) and placed the trees (still in their pots) […]

Fr Barrie Holmes

With great sadness I have to let you know that Fr Barrie Holmes died in St Gemma’s Hospice on the evening of Friday 19th November. He was our Parish Priest for some very special years. It was he who re-ordered our lovely Church, and help make it the lovely place / centre we all love. […]

Pope Francis’ on Thought for the Day for climate change

Dear BBC listeners, Good Morning. “Climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic have exposed our deep vulnerability and raised numerous doubts and concerns about our economic systems and the way we organise our societies. “We have lost our sense of security and are experiencing a sense of powerlessness and loss of control over our lives. “We […]

Bug Hotel

We have built a bug hotel from an old wooden pallet, a milk crate and some unused fencing panels.  We gave it a new roof and covered it with roofing felt to make it last a long time.  It is in place and now open for visitors!  Our children will be filling it soon with […]

Jack’s hedgehog hotel

Jack and his grandad John have teamed up to build an amazing hedgehog hotel for their holiday project. Jack cut the tunnel and legs to size, he then drilled, glued and screwed the box and tunnel together leaving grandad to cover the box and fit the lid.  The hotel is now in the Parish garden […]